Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Florida Vacation - Tallis' First Vacation at the Beach

Well, here is what I have learned - the ABC's of vacationing with Tallis

A. Tallis is REALLY fast when she wants to be - REALLY fast
B. Tallis is REALLY slow when she wants to be - obnoxiously slow....
C. Tallis can throw tantrums of momentous proportions when she wants to
D. Tallis can be a complete angel when she wants to be
E. Everything I find to be dangerous Tallis loves
F. Ducks are dirty - Tallis doesn't care about dirty
G. Florida water is warm to Tallis, It was still cold to me
H. It's easy to slather Tallis with sunblock - not so easy to get your own back (ouch)
I. If Tallis is your kid and you're on vacation - a Kindle with an hour or two of Peppa Pig is your lifesaver
J. Tallis likes dogs, walking them, giving them treats, she will not be getting one - she can visit Dixie
K. Remember I said everything I find dangerous she loves... The Ocean... yes, she ran in as if it were a bathtub made for her pleasure alone.  Terrifying.
L. Tallis doesn't like to eat on vacation - there is far too much to do - he lived on Jello and Snacks, I just relented
M. Tallis can swim - who knew?  She just naturally knew what to do... she doggy paddled herself to the steps with very little instruction
N. A high fenced tennis court with no exit is your BEST friend when your toddler wants to run... GO!
O. Tallis loves "Walking", walking however involves Tallis riding in a stroller and you pushing her everywhere.  She cried every time we got in the car to go somewhere.
P. Eating in a restaurant with Tallis is always a bit of a pain.  The Kindle with Peppa Pig - was a huge help
Q. People love Tallis, her curls, her vocabulary etc.  She was showered with attention - it made her rotten and unbearable at times.
R. Sleeping is optional on vacation with Tallis.  She ran herself ragged and only took a nap two days... it was brutal for everyone involved.
S. In a new environment, Tallis will push every boundary possible - there were time outs in bathrooms on several occasions.
T. NEVER and I repeat NEVER take Tallis to a flea market - it was one tantrum after the other when she didn't get everything she saw.
U. The one thing Tallis would eat on vacation? French Fries
V. DO take your toddler to a carnival on vacation - this was a fast way to burn an hour or two for about $14.00 of good times... she rode three rides - and loved everyone of them
W. When spending days at pools and the beach - the bathtub becomes an extension of play time it is no longer the time to wind down - it wound her up
X. Did I mention that everything is dangerous - don't let your guard down for a moment
Y. Do go trick or treating or to any street festival you can find... tons of good times for free, we enjoyed the costumes and candy
Z. Last but NOT least - when vacationing with a Toddler by yourself - drink, take sedatives, do whatever necessary to calm yourself in the evenings - there is no calm during the day - EVERYTHING is dangerous

The Property that Holly lives on, there were ducks everywhere, squirrels too.  The view from their back door is below, just amazing! 

Tallis exploring the Beach for the first time :) 

 Aunt Hobby performing at Tallis's Bidding....

 Trying to get some shade.

 All tuckered out  - ready for a nap - but no there won't be one... she'll be running in 10 minutes from the time this pic is taken.

Halloween on the Beach! Trick or Treating at a street festival in DelRay

 Tallis walking Dixie - this was a 2-3x a day activity - she loved walking her and giving her a "nack" afterward.

Riding Rides at the Carnival at the Boynton Beach Mall

At Lunch with Aunt Hobby

Calling Daddy in the "mawnin"

Giving Dixie Love - so sweet!

Chilling on Aunt Hobby's bed watching Peppa Pig.

Eating Jello - the treat of the week!

Here Tallis has her flash cards and she's teaching Aunt Hobby her ABC's...

And this is how tired Tallis is after all of this - this is when we got home the last day of vacation... LOL

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